May 21, 2006 12:46
it's finially starting to hit me there there are only 18 days left of school. it doesn't seem that believeable with all the work and crap teachers are throwing our way now though. my english teacher wants Grapes Of Wrath, which is 619 pages, due on June 6th? haaa. if we have to write anything on it, i guarentee 7/8 of my class will just sparknotes the book because everyone is 100% done with work. all anyone wants is summer, and i don't blame them. this summer is going to be incredible, i can tell already. it's hard to believe all the seniors won't be here next year though, and thats probably the only part of summer i'm not looking foward to. i don't know, it's just crazy; you get so used to seeing them and become friends with them, and then *POOF* their gone. it's kinda like how 7th grade was because of that pointless split. ugh, whatever. anyway, for all that have been asking, my mom's surgery went fine. she's in alot of pain and tired alot but she's much better. but i should probably go get started on all the stupid crap i have to get done today, later ♥
ooh and just for laughs --
...If you read this, even if I don't speak to you often, you must post a memory of me. It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad, just so long as it happened. Then post this to your journal. See what people remember about you....