Jun 13, 2006 01:06
well, once again my mind forces me too make a futile update that no one really cares to read so here I go, please feel free to just scroll down to the important friend just on the other side of me.
well, tons of books read and a first year of college done with i'm currently at home waiting for the boyfriend to get here in the morning. ^_^ yes, i've got a boy friend ^__^ the step-monster is worse than ever, i can't stand her, and with any hope dad can't either (heh heh, of course if any of you really know me you'll know that this is just wishful thinking) The step-dad is channeling an ancestor of the name Thomas Jacob Howell, if anyone knows of how to find any info on this guy, that would be awesome. He was alive sometime in the 1940's and 50's. Also he was in the military, although i don't really know which branch. It was really creepy and strange, cause it was damon's body and someone else inside and he was not responding to his name and didn't know where he was. Well, anyway on to this long ass survey that i loving stole from Rose...*hugs* miss you
Chapter 1: You
Intials: KAB
Middle name: Anne
Sex: Female
Date of birth: September 22, 1986
Current location: FL
Height: 4' 9'' >.< i'm shrinking
Hair length: Short
Color: Dark Blond, i really need some highlights
Piercings: i've had my ears pierced, they've probably closed up by now
Chapter 2: The Background
Do you live with your parents: During the summer i sleep at my mom's house, but when school starts back up i'll be back at the dorm
Do you get along with your parents: most of the time
Are you parents married/separated/divorced?: their sepearated, but married...too different people
Do you have any siblings?: the one and only
What pets do you have?: 2 cats
What are their name(s): Samantha and Simon, who was just forgotten outside in part of the heavy rain sessions of the tropical storm
Chapter 3: Favorites
City: don't have one yet
Ice cream flavor: vanilla?
Season: Fall, when it gets cooler but not in the extrems of hot and cold
Brand: *shrugs* you're supposed to have one of those?
Old nickelodeon show: Legends of the Hidden Temple ^__^ go silver snakes!!!!!!
Color: Black
Cheesy pick-up line: "I seemed to have misplaced my phone number, may i have yours?" XD i love that
Flower: Sunflowers, cause thier tall and i'm not XD
Chapter 4: Do You ...
Sing in the shower?: Duh!
Write memos on your hand?: of course, everyone should...it's the best way to remember stuff
Call people back?: if i feel like it
Believe in love?: sure, why not, you've got to believe in something
Sleep on a certain side of the bed?: i kind of sleep on the couch....o.O
Do you think you're attractive?: i guess i am...i've got a boy friend
Wear glasses or contacts?: Glasses all the way, their so much more sexy-er that contacts, well maybe if you get the right style
Have any weird pet peeves?: my pet peeve is children, plus the doctor said to stay away from fried foods.....
Chapter 5: Have You Ever ...
Gone skinny dipping?: no
Worn braces?: yes, *mumbles* those bastards
Broken a bone?: Yes. Two, technicakly 3
Had stitches?: no
Shoplifted?: Yes
Punched someone in the face? no
Skipped school?: Yes
Taken painkillers?: yes
Gone SCUBA diving?: not yet, but i need to get certified for my dream job, though i suppose i could just snorkle >.< but that's boring
Been stung by a jellyfish?: YES....and it hurt :(
Been stung by a bee?: yup, that the person who came up with the whole "once your stung by a bee, the bee dies from the stinger pulling out it's insides" XD it's justice
Thrown up in a Restraunt?: not that i recall
Been to overnight camp?: no, *pouts* my dad wouldn't let me
Written a letter to Santa Claus?: duh, every child writes to santa at least once in thier life, course mine usually started: "dear santa, i'm sorry for..."
Sworn in front of your parents?: my mom, have in front of dad yet....which is kind of sad
Had detention?: once, because the teacher was some kind of nazi and gave the whole class, save for 5 people, detention for talking, bitch
Been called a bitch?: probably
Been called a Hoe?: once again, proabably
Met someone famous?: no...i've gone to school with someone who became semi-famous in a Disney movie
Played ding dong ditch?: nope....not fast enough or too lazy, i haven't really decided
Chapter 6: Random
If you could take back one thing, what would it be? do i have to take anything back, cause that seems like a waste of doing it in the first place
Do you prefer blonde hair or brown hair?: for me, blonde...for my mate either is fine as long as their not bald
If you were on death row, what would your final request be?: ....um, reading War and Peace :D
Fess up!
Mark your confessions:
[ ] I'm afraid of silence.
[ ] I Talk ALOT when I get really nervous.
[ ] I am really ticklish.
[ ] I'm afraid of the dark.
[ ] I'm afraid of facing my back to open doors at night.
[x] I can't sleep in a room if the door is open
[ ] I am homosexual.
[i believe in lust, not true love] I believe in true love.
[x] I've run away from home.
[ ] I listen to political music.
[if you consider manga a comic book] I collect comic books.
[ ] I shut others out when I'm sad.
[x]I've stayed out all night.
[ ] I open up to others easily.
[ ]I am keeping a secret from the world.
[ ] I watch the news
[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs
[x ] I love Disney movies.
[x] I am a sucker for green eyes.
[x] I am a sucker for brown eyes
[x] I am a sucker for blue eyes
[ ] I don't kill bugs.
[x] I curse
[ ] I have "x"s in my screen name.
[x] I've slipped and fell in public.
[ ] I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation.
[ ] I love Spam
[ ] I bake well.
[ ] I have worn pajamas to class.
[ ] I have owned something from Abercrombie.
[x] I want a better job.
[ ] Talked on a phone for 6+ hours.
[ ] I love Dr. Phil
[x] I like someone.
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
[only sometimes] I am self-conscious.
[x] I love to laugh.
[x] I have tried alcohol.
[ ] I drink alcohol on a regular basis.
[ew] I have tried a cigarette.
[ ] I have smoked a pack in one day.
[x, as a book i really did like it, it's strange] I loved Lord of the Flies.
[ ] I have cough drops when I'm not sick.
[ ] I can't swallow pills.
[ ] I have a lot of scars.
[ ] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.
[ ] I love chocolate.
[ ] I bite my nails.
[ ] I am not comfortable with being me.
[x] I play computer games when I'm bored.
[x] Gotten lost in the city.
[x] Thought of suicide before.
[x] Seen a shooting star...
[ ] Had a menage a trois.
[x] Gone out in public in my pajamas.
[ ] Have kissed a stranger.
[x] Have kissed someone really strange....
[x] Hugged a stranger.
[ ] Been in a bloody fist fight with someone of a diff. sex.
[ ] Been in a fist fight.
[ ] Been arrested.
[ ] Laughed and had some type of beverage come out of my nose.
[x] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
[ ] Made out in an elevator.
[ ] Swore at Liberace.
[ ] Kicked a guy where it hurts on purpose
[ ] Been skydiving.
[ ] Been bungee jumping.
[ ]Gotten stitches.
[ ] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
[x] Bitten someone
[ ] Been to Niagara Falls.
[x]Gotten the chicken pox.
[x]Crashed into a car.
[ ] been to Japan.
[x] Ridden in a taxi.
[ ] Been fired.
[x] Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
[ ] Stole something from your job.
[ ] Gone on a blind date.
[ ] Had a crush on a teacher/coach
[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[ ] Been to Europe.
[ ] Slept with a co-worker, and/or employee.
[ ] Been married.
[ ] Gotten divorced.
[x]Saw someone/something dying.
[x, t'is a lone list indeed] Have a list of people you want to kill.
[ ] Driven over 400 miles in one day.
[ ] Been to Canada.
[x] Been on a Plane.
[x] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[x] Thrown up in a bar.
[x] Eaten sushi.
[x] been skiing
[x] Been ice skating.
[x] Cried in public.
[ ] Walked purposely into traffic with your eyes closed.
[x] Liked someone even though you knew you shouldn't have.
[x] Thought of someone almost 24/7
[x] Hate the world.
[ ] I TALK ALOT when i'm sleepy.
[Relationship Status]- My Cody ^__^ i <3 him
[Shoe size] - 6.5
[Parents still together] - no
[Siblings] - none, didn't i already answer this, oh yeah like forever ago
[Pets] - 2 cats
[Twirl your hair?] - i used to, when my hair was long enough. it was a habit when i read books
[Have tattoos?] - yes ^__^ i have one and am planning my next, although dad doesn't knwo that i want another one
[Cheat on tests?] - when i can (heh heh)
[Like roller coasters?] - no.....LOVE
[Like cleaning?] - ewww, why would you like to clean....
[Know how to drive?] - yes
[Own a cell phone?] - doesn't everyone? o.O
[Ever get off the internet?] - there's somewhere other then the net?!?! when did that happen?
[Been in a fist fight?] - no
[Considered a life of crime?] - yeah...like bonnie and clyde
[Considered being a hooker?] - ew, no
[Been in love?] maybe, although it's was most likely a case of lust
[Made out with JUST a friend?] - no
[Been in lust?] - look two answers ago
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] - no
[Current clothing] - jeans and a shirt, nothing to glamorous
[Current hair] - very curly...i suppose it's cute i just decided not to do anything with it
[Current thing I ought to be doing] - proabably sleeping, i suppose i should be asleep......
[Current cd in stereo] - none, but i lots of music on my laptop....does that count?
[Last movie you saw] - in the theaters-The Omen; on t.v.-Unleashed, i think
[Believe there is life on other planets?] - um, duh...there has to be...
[Read the newspaper?] -do the comics count? i read them.....sometimes
[Hate yourself?] no
[Collect anything?] - books XD i'm a dork
[Like your handwriting?] - i think i do...it's pretty when i want it to be
[First big crush] - Chris....like in 4th or 5th grade
[You believe in love at first sight?] - no, i believe in lust at first sight
[You believe in "the one?"] - .not really
[Are you a tease?] - Yup
[Too shy to make the first move?] - not really, i guess
[Daydreamer] -- of course
[Sarcastic] - duh
[Shy] - sometimes
[Talkative]- when given the chance
[Pierce your nose or lip?] - neither
[Be serious or funny?] - It depends on the situation.
[Simple or complicated?] - It depends on the situation.
[What time is it] - 1:58 AM
[Name] - Katherine
[Nicknames] - Kat, Kit Kat, K477
[Where do you want to live] - Austrailia
[What kind of job do you want] - Great White Shark research
[Do you want to get married] - i suppose i should at one point in my life, but it's not on my top 10 to do list
[Nervous Habits] - none that i know off
[Are you double jointed] - i don't think so
[Can you roll your tongue] - yes
[Can you raise one eyebrow] - kind of, but not really
[Can you cross your eyes] - yes
[Do you make your bed daily] - never
[Which shoe goes on first] -- which everh one jumps on first, usually i'm still have asleep
[Ever thrown one at someone] - yup ^__^
[How Much money do you carry in your wallet] - i don't usuallt have cash on me
[Bought something] - Yes.
[Gotten sick] - Yes
[Sang] - Yeah
[Missed someone] - Yeah
[Gotten drunk] - no
[Gotten high] - no
[Gotten your hair cut] - Yeah.
[Watched cartoons] - Yeah
[Lied] - Yes
[Been to California] - no
[Been to Canada] - no
[Been to Europe] - No
[Wished you were the opposite sex] - yes
[Snuck out of your house] - no
[Slept in your bed] - my cat....not really a person but she thinks she is
[Saw you cry] - no one
[Made you cry] -- my dad...he's mean
[Said 'I love you' to you] - Cody <3 <3 ^__^
well, now it's past 2 in the morning...i think i should go to sleep now........night night world