Aug 10, 2005 11:54
Since I already updated my myspace account, I'll leave a quick one for u lj users out there...
I leave back to college in four minutes (its 11:56 right now) and we're suppose to leave at 12, but thats not gonna happen, lol. My parents and I are stopping in Dallas to spend the night with my bro and his gf to spend time with them and stuff. Then, Thursday at 7am, we'll leave to St.Louis and arrive at about 5 or 6 in the evening. And its back to school for me!
I'm stuffing leftover pizza from last night down my throat as I speak, in an attempt to relieve the hunger thats been killing me all morning.
Everything is packed, with minor things here and there. I did it all in about 2 hours, sweet.
I checked out this morning at Sea World at 9am! I'm eligible for re-hire next season, so God-willing, I'll have a job. There was also a stretch Hummer entering through Security when I was leaving. Crazy!
its now 12:02 and we're off schedule.
my last couple days here i didnt get to see any of my friends. this "erks" me. cuz who knows if i'll be back next summer. i leave you all with wishes of success and love.
this pizza is hurting me.
oh, I LOVE MY CAR! ah!
its time i sign out now. my next update will be at:
7328 Fernbrook Drive
St.Louis, MO 63123
write me, email me, IM me, text me, call me.
much love,