yet another quiz...

Feb 18, 2006 15:14

*Note to newly added friends: I don't make actual post on the weekends, and if I do, they're usually quizzes...sorry. I never post on weekends.

I'm the top commenter on my journal! What does that say about me?

Top Commenters on drama_n_dreams's LiveJournal
(Of users in friends list)

1drama_n_dreams 737
2i_rememberme 199
3diljowan 174
4weret_hekau 148
5ladytairngire 101
6liamhsiemllac 74
7rubygloom178 63
8smartlikeatruck 43
9rememberjuly 31
10hello_kitty_fan 3011dreamerandpoet 25
12oregonnerd 25
13bofwa 17
14lestat_17 10
15beat_poet 8
16hoppel_ 7
17mountain_lion 7
18vote_woodstock 7
19buzz_killer 6
20mystryloca 6
21dionysoscub 6
22vsugarplanet 5
23riptides10 5
24halieknife 5
25aprilia27 3
26iagofan 2
27virgoearthgirl 2
28alicampbel 1
29phonographgirl 1
30bridey 1
31__starlightgirl 1
32amberleecarter 1
Total Commenters: 40 (8 not shown)
Total Comments: 1936
Report generated 2/18/2006 3:14:06 PM by scrapdog's LJ Comment Stats Wizard 1.7
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