Dec 25, 2003 14:26
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!! santa treated me ok.i got the wicked cd and i am listening to it for the 4th time today.its amazing.i love it. one day when i'm bored i'll type the lyrics to "i'm not that girl" its so perfect.i think its my romantic life set to music.wowzers the whole cd is just so good. i want to see this play so much. this dude on it sounds like adam pascal sort o man sexy voice.::drool:: i also got the assassins cd but i haven't listened to it yet. i don't want to stop wicked :-D
as for tomorrow who knows what happening.i guess we'll see who shows.i'm trying very hard not to stress.
Allie! i got a box of s'mores!! lol
well merry,holly jolly and all that junk to all
Wicked is perfect.