(no subject)

Mar 03, 2006 21:03

:::10 bands you’ve been listening to lately:::
01. chili peppers
02. james blunt
03. coldplay
04. missy elliot
05. sean paul
06. dispatch
07. billy joel
08. barenaked ladies
09. gavin degraw
10. the pixies

:::09 things you look forward to:::
01. DISNEY!!
02. being 18 ;]
03. senior year
04. football games
05. no mass tomorrow night!
06. skiing
07. summer with the crewww
08. shopping
09. yeah...senior year!

:::8 things you like to wear:::
01. baseball tee's...only the best
02. sweats
03. tank tops
04. flops
05. clogs
06. chucks
07. pearls
08. livestrong

:::07 things that annoy you:::
01. people who cut me off
02. when people say "i'm bored" in my presence...what am i not interesting enough for you?
03. cliques
04. box office people
05. brother
06. messy rooms
07. the taste of cherry cold medicine

:::06 things you touch everyday:::
01. my cell phone
02. gum
03. mp3/CD player
04. people
06. food

:::05 things you do everyday:::
01. breathe
02. brush my teeth
03. talk
04. listen to music
05. crack my neck, back, knuckles, knees and wrists

::: 04 people you want to spend more time with:::
01. megs
02. molly
03. nickkk
04. libby

:::03 movies you could watch over and over again:::
01. office space
02. zoolander
03. willy wonka and the chocolate factory

:::02 of your favorite bands at the moment:::
01. barenaked ladies
02. james blunt

:::01 person that youd spend the rest of your life with:::
01. sean william scott

we lost the game. it sucks. i haven't said more than hey hey, what's up nm u same just saying hi. i g2g bye bye to my best friend pretty much all week. that sucks even more. i'm sick. sucks the hardest.
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