Apr 13, 2008 20:15
Now something that has no real value and reminds me that I have a very small library of songs.
**If your life was a movie soundtrack, what would it be like?***
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
Opening Credits: "Yesterday"- The Beatles
Waking Up: "I've Just seen a Face" -Across the Universe version of the Beatles
First Day of School: "You are the Music in me(Sharpey Version)"- High School Musical 2
Falling in Love: "Trouble" -Pink
Fight Song: "Bella notte" -From Lady and the Tramp ( I think my fight song and my Falling in love song are mixed up)
Breaking Up: "Everybody passes me by" -Pepe Deluxe (Holes Soundtrack)(
Prom: "Another Day" -Rent
Life: "Masquerade" -Phantom of the Opera
Mental Breakdown: "Little Drop of Posion"- Shrek 2 Soundtrack
Driving: "No Good Deed" -Wicked
Flashback: "Defying Gravity" -Wicked
Wedding: "Centerfold"
Birth of a child: "Overture/Work song" -Les Miserables
Final Battle: "Helter Skelter"-Across the Universe Soundtrack
Death Scene: "Do It Again"-Beachboys from Happy Feet soundtrack
Funeral Song: "Accidentally in Love" -Counting Crows(Shrek 2 Soundtrack)
End Credits: "Losing Grip" Avril Lavigne