28 weeks laters....

Jan 11, 2009 22:38

well well, can't it has been that long. The last entry was like 28 weeks ago.
Why I stopped writing? Lack of motivation I think. I was (and still am) to write in french in a old style diary ( the pen and paper style!)

Its quite odd, but a lot happened.
I actually live in Montreal now (move over for studies) after completing my bachelor in history. Since I originated from a suburb-like town, its quite a change! Having access to a subway and a decent transportation system is pretty liberating when comparing to my old town in which you pretty need to own a car to "have a life" (that term is rather loose!) I like that aspect a lot.
After, there are so many places to visit! The place does have 375ish years of history after all. As a self-declared bookworm, that's quite neat!

Another memorable aspect would be the new responsibilities. Back in the hell-ish suburb, in the old family house, I was still with the family, well, my mom was around. As much as a love my mom, she is clearly a overprotective mother (we call those Mère poule in french..which would give something like Chicken mother in english). So, she had the tendency to clearly to do too much for her own sake. Just changing of environment, it gives so much to do. All those little chores that I knew had to be done, yet never really did them.
More importantly.... there is the dreaded aspect of.... cooking! Which is rather fun actually! I wish I just knew more recipes!

But underneat all the fun and discoveries, there is one troublesome feature. Good old Loneliness. I always had a certain difficulty to fit in groups (mostly du to shyness, crappy self-esteem,identity troubles,ect)and here in Montreal, its no different. I actually go out, do organized activities and try to find any good reason to get out of that apartment. I do meet other folks,but never really to "connect" and become something more than just "that" guy.
Back home, I knew of that situation. But it was never truly a problem, because there was already friends around. But moving away from the hometown, in a nearly unknowned town (I do have 1 friend at least!), its quite harsh. This has been troubling since the beginning.

So, to stop worrying 27/24 (altought a day only has 24 hours!), I drown my sorrows... with Endorphines! In other words... I do sports... lots of them.. Keep on practicing Aikido (which I started back in Ottawa), started doing Power Yoga (its odd, but quite fun!), started going to gym rather regular. And finally... I started playing Handball too!
Beside that, reading and chilling as much as ever. I might end up as a Otaku in the end... thanks to Onemanga.com <.<

I know I can get out of this. Just need to believe in myself and work on the self-affirmation.

Anyway, that's quite for me. So, what's new folks?
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