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My brother and I think... ext_1186689 April 30 2012, 15:51:16 UTC
Well after the first two episodes came out, my younger brother thought that Amon was the Firelord. I said that would be both awesome and possible if it was still during Aang's lifetime. So after seeing episode 4 my brother still had some kinda feeling towards Amon being the Firelord, or at the least connected to him in some way. And I could see why, with the way he is using a technique to take away bending.

My own thoughts: Tenzin knows a lot more about the technique Amon is using and about Yukone, that of course will be revealed later but still makes me wonder...

So awesome that they showed Sokka and Toph!!! Why Korra saw them idk...

And during the first series I shipped Anng/Katara and Zuko/Mai because they were just obvious couplings and to have them suddenly be paired differently would create really pointless drama, which I'm glad they didn't do. Some fans just go overboard with shipping and get hooked on couples that obviously aren't gonna happen...So for this series I'm not decided yet, but I'm leaning towards Mako/Asami and Korra/Bolin, because it's like Mako/Korra were just thrown together --making up to diehard Zuko/Katara fans-- and Bolin's getting overlooked. I think Korra and Mako are too much alike in that their like both tuff fighter types, so if Asami isn't evil I'd like to see her with Mako. And Bolin most likely does like Korra, but she's overlooking a good match...


Re: My brother and I think... dralf_burns May 1 2012, 00:59:39 UTC
I've considered that Amon might be Ozai, but it seems unlikely. Ozai was a firebending elitist though perhaps the years without bending could have turned him vengeful and angry against all other benders, an "if I can't bend, no one can" outlook. However, I think that Amon is a new character, unconnected to anyone in the original (or perhaps a child). LoK, although in the same world and definitely affected by the legacy of the first series, is its own series and I think Amon is its own villain.

*nods* I definitely agree about Tenzin knowing more. Yukone, given that Ponytail Man talked about it, is probably a well-known subject (but perhaps Tenzin saw him in real life, how old is he anyway?).

I'm sure the reason for Korra's visions will be revealed... Perhaps it's connected to Yukone who is connected to Amon in some way and therefore the visions were relevant to what's going on.

I'm a multi-shipper though I generally have a ship I prefer to the others. I shipped Aang/Katara as well as Zuko/Katara though I always wanted Aang/Katara to happen in the actual show and so I'm glad it did. I think it's okay to like couples even if they're not going to happen in the shows. As long as you're not flaming other couples or overreacting that your couple didn't get together in the end (that's what fanfiction's for), you can ship whatever you want - that's my thought on the matter.

Even if Mako/Korra were thrown together for the Zutara fans, I like them. In terms of personality and the dynamics between the two, they're way different than Zutara. The only big similarity I see is that it's a waterbender and a firebender (who happens to be angsty like Zuko but who is quite different from Zuko as well - not that angry and whatnot). Hmm... Mako and Korra are similar in some ways, but they're also quite different. Korra's rash and quick to action, Mako's calm and (more) thoughtful. Though I wouldn't mind Borra or Masami being end-game, so long as they're well-developed (as with all couples). I just lean more towards Makorra at the moment.

Korra does overlook Bolin - but that's okay, I'll take him if she doesn't want him. :)


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