perpetual has started off a wishlist meme. The rules written by her are below followed by my own list.
How It Works:
Post to your LJ (publicly or flocked) with a list of ten things you want to receive for the holidays. They can be anything, from a personalized LJ icon or drabble to a purebred puppy - as long as all the items on the list are things that you genuinely want.
If there's anything on your list that needs to come to you through the mail, make your shipping address available, but please be safe about it and don't post that part publicly - just specify how people should go about getting it.
Look around your friends list for others who have posted the meme. (The more who do, the better this works, so encourage them!) If you see a wish you can grant, GO FOR IT. You might find a little thing you can do for free that will make someone happy, or you might just discover that a stranger is longing for the exact boxed set of DVDs that you no longer want.
Don't spend money unless you want to, and don't commit to more than you can handle without stressing yourself. There are no rules to this project, no guarantees, and no strings attached. If someone surprises you with a gift certificate to the restaurant you never thought you'd get to go to, don't feel guilty or obliged to return the favor. The point is to spread around a lot of opportunities to grant wishes - use them as you see fit, and remember that your list gives those opportunities to others!
Dream big, but stay practical. If you really want the Mercedes, put the Mercedes on the list, but don't forget that you also really want some feedback on the story you wrote - so put that on the list too. It's fun to imagine something huge happening through this meme, but we'll recognizes the unlikelihood of it and make sure our friends still have a chance to do something thoughtful that's within their means.
Put limits on yourself for what, but not who: if you've decided that you can spend a few hours drawing a picture, but none of your friends are asking for one, keep looking for wishlists - you might even make a new friend or two! Ask people to link their lists for you, and don't be afraid to post your own in a few places.
Let's make some wishes come true this year!
My Wishlist
1) Marvel comics - I'm specifically interested in Runaways, Astonishing X-men, or any of the Avengers comics, but any comics are fine by me.
2) New friends on LJ or Tumblr
3) A Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanvid set to any song by Breaking Benjamin or The Pretty Reckless
4) Anything with dragons
5) A Wish!verse Buffy/Angel story
6) Art, be it dragons, B/A fanart, Marvel fanart, whatever.
7) Spike/Faith fanfiction
8) Book/fanfic recs
9) Soundtrack for Sweeney Todd or Dr Horrible
10) Links to websites with mythology or you can just tell me some interesting bit of mythology or a mythology book.
Note: If you want my address, send me a PM.