Well, back in Melbourne after my little Easter jaunt. It is currently rather cold and wet, which is making me feel much better about the whole quitting the door-knocking job thing, even if it means I need to do a bit more work into finding something else.
Easter involved piles of chocolate (of course), a bit of time with Mum and The Sister, and some time in Bendigo, which I haven't been to in quite a while, and me getting through The Hunger Games trilogy. I may post some thoughts on the books later on; for now I am still trying to decide if I actually like the series or not. They were certainly compelling reading, but I'm having trouble parsing just how I feel about the series as whole, which is vaguely frustrating.
Currently being grumpy at the post office, since they seem to have decided to give me a final notice on a parcel delivery without giving me the other prior notices. Or pressing the buzzer to check if I am actually home at all.
In other news, I found
this xkcd update unhealthily hilarious.