The final step of cleaning is when you shove everything into the cupboards then close them

Jan 30, 2012 22:18

Oh, today. Proof that even when you stay home to avoid the heat (and the crazy wind; seriously, the wind has been noisy as hell all day) you can end up really busy.

This morning involved more spamming of resumes via email, and I have decided it is rather convenient when you find a whole bunch of similar jobs on Then you can just use the same cover letter, and copy-paste the appropriate company name and details in the right spots.

I do have one more interviewy thing coming up, but it's for a volunteer position. Which will be helpful on a resume, but doesn't exactly pay. On the plus side, it's close enough that travel will be pretty convenient.

And then I got involved in the cleaning up-ness, since we have that iPartment inspection coming up on Wednesday. We've still got vacuuming and mopping of floors to-do tomorrow, plus the kitchen benches need some work, but it's a bit better now.

I got into some of the cupboards, going through things so we had some more space, and alongside some really very random things, like a fruitbowl, I've also managed to sort things out so we've now officially got a booze shelf. There was some seriously random stuff there, like bottles of things I can't even identify. And some almost finished bottles we are intend to very shortly turn into completely finished bottles.

Checking out some of the boxes from my room also turned up some interesting stuff - lots and lots of old photos, from when I as back in Kinder, and some of my old ballet ones. I sort of wish I had an actual scanner to show the ballet ones...

I also got randomly creative with my dinner, since I decided if we are cleaning the benches tomorrow, I hardly want to mess them up by having to cook tomorrow night. So I decided to make something with enough leftovers for tomorrow night and ended up with P Pasta - Penne with Pesto, Pine-nuts and Parmesan. Also, I have rather more than one meals worth of leftovers.

And your regular supply of links for today:
- Naturayarte Leaf Art. Some of which qualifies as holy fuck how do they even do that? Plus, obviously, teh pretty.
- Dalton M. Ghetti's Pencil Art. So, this guy took thrown away old pencils, and carved them into amazing arty things. Some of which are honestly quite astonishing.

...Yes, I did find those two links from

- Super Seeking Sidekick. Well, what else would an ad for a superhero sidekick even sound like?
- Lego man launched into space. There's a video of it and everything. Those darn kids, making me feel so unaccomplished at my age...
- Microwaves Ruin Everything. Haven't you ever wondered what happens when you put all those things you aren't supposed to into the microwave?

ipartment, randomness, links, fandom: comics

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