I really do spend too much time on YouTube

May 25, 2010 21:48

Why must Towel Day be the same day as the Glorious Twenty-Fifth of May? It really does complicate things. Didn't have room in my bag for a towel, but I did wear lilac today. Well, purple. Close enough.

Handed in that stupid poster, after I got it printed out at Uni - incidentally, it strikes me as really quite counter-intuitive that the printers, the place where you top up your printcard and the place where you can get change are all on different floors of the library. Seriously, who planned that one?

Oh, and to add to the birthday stuffs, apparently Dad will be coming down this weekend for dinner or whatever. And possibly an iPhone for me! ...Or a cheaper alternative.

And for a healthy note of frivolity, have some random shit that has been entertaining me:

- Some crafty types has made necklaces with, as a pendant, fetus!Envy in a jar.

And a bunch of vids on YouTube:
- FMA:B AMV. Not technically that great, but I like the sentiment behind it. Spoilers to recent episodes.
- Nifty short Ashes to Ashes fanvid. (SPOILERS for the final episode)
- And a longer Ashes to Ashes fanvid. Which reminds me of just how amazing some of the visuals on that show were. (Also has SPOILERS for the final episode)

Last but not least: The 100th video of "I'm a Marvel... I'm a DC". It's a musical. (A rather lulzy musical).

keyword-200, keyword-69, fandom: fma, keyword-17, keyword-58, uni, teh family, fandom: comics

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