Nov 09, 2009 20:30

Did someone forget to tell Summer that it isn't due for another month? Because Sweet Tinkerbell Jesus, sometimes I really hate freaking Melbourne WeatherTM. 34 degrees. Ack.

Also, BRB flipping out over what the hell I can wear to Interning tomorrow. What do professional people wear in 30+ degree weather, anyway?

'Twasn't all sucktastic, though. Creative Writing is finished! For, um, ever. Two majors down, huzzah! I even got a reasonable amount of sleep and everything.

Which just leaves me with finishing up Interning stuff, and studying for my one exam on the 26th. Much less stressful.

Oh, and my upcoming series of Hen's Nights to attend, which shall be... interesting. Never been to one before, and suddenly there are two in two weeks.

Incidentally, I fixed up the settings on my Egypt Photos so they are now actually viewable to the public. (Thanks for pointing that out, fa11ing_away) Jordan pictures from that trip will go up... sometime before the forthcoming Cambodia trip.

So, what's new with you guys, since I am no longer distracted by procrastination my assignments?

Also: HOW ABOUT THOSE FMA SPOILERS? Come on, raws and scanlations!

creative writing, uni, keyword-200, picspam, interning, fandom: fma, keyword-195

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