When they say Uni students drink a lot, I don't think this was quite what they had in mind

May 20, 2009 22:15

There wasn't going to a Wednesday Weirdness post today, and then along came Creative Writing, and we all got drunk in class. No, really.

No, really.

Callum - our tutor - declared this week (and next week) BYO. And then brought like five bottles of red to share. And his little dog, too - yes, really.

So the entire two and a half hours were spent doing speed dating writing workshops - yes, that's how they were actually described - whilst drinking red wine. I didn't drink too much, since I hadn't eaten much before, but given I can still feel the effects, I may have failed miserably on that account. Yeah, I'm a lightweight, I know.

Other weird moments of note, aside from the general hilarity of in-class literary analysis whilst under the influence, was Callum badtouching the Quality of Teaching surveys (Don't ask), and a vote on which of Callum's scarves was more gay.

...And next week is scheduled for more of the same. Hee!

In other news, I am seeing Mum on the weekend, and Dad next Thursday, and they are both asking me what I want for my birthday. And I have no idea what to ask for. Any suggestions, flist?

Mum's probably okay with random gifty stuff, since she knows me well enough. Dad... not so much. Plus there's, you know, certain family issues. I just figure I should suggest something if I want a gift beyond a pile of vouchers.

keyword-189, creative writing, uni, teh family, keyword-58

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