Day 40

Oct 01, 2014 00:02

I didn’t bike to hospital today because it was raining, but was late anyway because my alarm didn’t go off. I only got there at 9:30am… the team were mostly concerned that I’d ridden my bike in the rain and drowned or something, so luckily nobody got angry or anything. Silly phone… I sat in on clinic with the resident, and everyone else seemed to be at the clinic so it must be a chill day in the wards.

After all these weeks, I finally decided to go get some unagi for dinner. I’d seen several places around Asakusa so I googled for a good one, which happened to be across the road from me. Ate the salt flavored one and in the form of ‘hitsumabushi’, which is where you eat the unadon with condiments in 3 different ways. It was really interesting trying all those flavors that I wouldn’t have had before.


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