Jan 15, 2009 18:48
My eyes are opened very long time,
My soul is in body many hundred years,
The member has inside many thousand days,
But after such long time I haven't tears.
Many people live a very short and empty lifes,
Many thoughts of people are the usual things,
Very boring job is a people's life,
That is only game without chance to win.
But I wan the game and the prize was life
With no time, so I hadn't die,
But I seen the deaths of my best friends,
So I asked the sky: "Why? Why? Why?"
The man of undeath fate, I know eternal things,
The man without date of end, I'm going in a boring ring.
The life is all i know in this undeathing world,
I want to have a death, but it is sold.
Many time ago I was very silly, because I
Wanted to be killed by myself, I tried
I tried to kill myself, but lived,
Tried to find a death in fight.
The man of undeath fate, I know eternal things,
The man without date of end, I'm going in a boring ring.
The life is all i know in this undeathing world,
I want to have a death, but it is sold.
I don't want to live only one time, while time is eternal.
I don't want to see the deaths, because they aren't my,
Why should to live in one body my soul?
Why shouldn't I know what is time?