Mar 03, 2009 22:52
So I was watching T.V this evening and guess on what I stumbled?
In French!
Dubbed in french!
I had to pick up my jaw from the floor.
This is the first time I saw Torchwood in french, and the dubs souned weird. Still do.
It take a lot of time to get used to them because this show isn't really the same without the english voices and accents.
This evening "Sleeper" was airing or should I say "Alien Mortel". Deadly Alien would be the translation. Anyways, the title is funny in french.
Speaking of titles, I have to say that "TorchWood" in french sounds hilarious, more like Torche Wood.
Some of the lines sound weird in a creepy way, don't have the same english meaning that made the line witty/funny or just made me cringle.
In Sleeper Iano had a few good lines but in french the sound just meh.
Espesially when Ianto say that Jack is dashing.
English Ianto: He is dashing, you have to give him that.
French Ianto: Il faut l'admettre il est super.
Super? How is dashing = super?
Though it is funny hearing Owen say "Allons tous s'envoyer en l'air!"
Or when Ianto says he know everything and that it is written on the screen.
In french Ianto says he knows everything because it is writted on the screen.
*rolls eyes* Take out the meaning you french people!
Anyways, this rant has to stop or it will go forever. Maybe I shall hunt down some Russian Torchwood...