Oct 25, 2005 18:46
Well its been a long weekend. My knee if finally better. Watched that play for class...it was okay but not the best. now i have to go fill my friend in on the play so we can write a paper on it for class tomorrow. Had a migraine sunday night and one all day monday. so i didn't go to class. Finally got to meet Lauren, and i also got to meet Luke. Major drama at the house that night. OMG it was crazy. Went to class today. It sucked. i have so much stuff to do and i don't want to do it. My busy day is tomorrow and i have a meeting to go to at the SRS to maybe get some food stamps so i can pay for food in this house. Got an emergency loan also so i can help pay the bills this month. And have a little extra to live on. Jadan cars is being a tempermental bitch. It starts, then it doesn't want to, then it will start a couple hours later. WTF is up with that? Well i guess this is getting long enough already. tata for now.