My mind and my heart long for Truth. That is one of the reasons I love to read--I crave Truth and devour it passionately. That is why I took a month off from life besides work and wedding planning to read Lord of the Rings--there was such depth, such Truth and beauty. That is why I crave reading blogs about psychology and want to talk about philosophy.
I remember some days in college when I would be online and want a little morsel of Truth. I did not really know where to turn, so I searched random words on google, I read the news, and I spent hours looking through facebook group discussions. It is great now to have
CERC to read up on topics which uplift.
I'm curious as to when (God willing) I will go to grad school and encounter various view points, various ideologies, especially the relativist ones. I feel as if I may be up against quite a force considering I want to venture into the social sciences. I believe that as one who believes in absolute Truth, as a minority, I will likely have the burden of proof. I really do want to get into the habit of reading more, so I can arm myself.