AH HA!! I bet you are here thinking... "I bet I know what this is about", or better yet "I wonder if it is about 'this' (insert random sibling thought)".
HAHA You are wrong!
Weeelll maybe not.
Seriously though what I'm going to talk about is something a bit off the wall for this journal. It's about energy. So if you are not into reading about such topics, feel free to ignore my ramblings. *waves a dimissive hand* This is not for you.
However if your intrest is perked and would like to know more....
First, the hard book-defined word.
Biological: No matter if one is blood-related, half-blood-related, or such, you have an innate connection to your biological subling that no other can claim.
Going on a basic instinct, no matter how much we may hate each other such bonds run deep and can never be ignored. Even in hate we are bonded. That energy ties us together from the moment of birth and nothing can ever change that aside from getting our DNA scrambled in a transporter accident. (Trek reference. I R Geek).
As my mom put it to me, and as I have thus passed on to my step daughter, she is what I will have left once my predecessors have past on. When naught else of my past is left (and this gets me teary eyed), she will be my bond to the past in a way no other, no even my best friends, even will.
She knows me better then most, even if we have grown apart. My hidden weakness and my brutal strengths are known to her on an intimate and personal level. She is part of me.
As the book "Raptor Red" is quoted: "Half of me, and her chicks 1/4 of me."
Familail: These are not siblings by blood but by chance. Step-siblings. Maybe we have 1/2 siblings in common... your dad and my mom had a kid after us. We are not related by blood, but we are still sisters.
Some such sisters do not, and may never get along. They do not share that same depth of bond between blood-relations. However they are STILL part of a greater family. Some such siblings may have such a bout of sibling rivalry that they actively hate on each other.
Such energy is still a bond between them regardless if it is a positive or a negative feeling associated with it.
Social: Choosen family. The bond between same-sex friends, or even opposite sex friends, that is more then mere friendship (but not the romantic love-bond of a couple). A "sisterhood". Such bonds can last into other lifetimes. Some can influence our lives in ways we never realize until it's too late.
Often, like family bonds, these can cause good and bad energy. Often because of something we lack within ourselves, we find it reflected in a bout of jealousy in one of our choosen family. This can spark fights and discontent. Sometimes we see our own weaknesses reflected in them in ways that are not only detrimental to the self but are also detrimental to the whole. So in the intent to help, we sometimes hurt. Closer emotionally in some cases we seek to find the balance and make "things right".
Sometimes this goes terribly wrong.
Sometimes, even though it hurts, it is what we need.
In our social-bonds of family we grow past the "me" and learn more about the "us" and what makes "us" stronger. Few romantic bonds have this....
Unless they started out as very close, "choosen family" sort of friends.
Regardless, there is a bond there. There is an energy that is created in that bond. I never ask my S.O. to pick between me or his friends. Nor do I expect him to ever forced me to choose, because as much as I love him he'd loose out.
It has been proven time and again that my friends will be there, always. Maybe in bits and pieces, but I can count on some of them, where as I have been let down time and again by those I have been romantically attached to.
In my worst depression, my sisters and my "pack" were there.
In my greatest triumphs, my sisters and my "pack" were there.
In my moment of weakness, my sisters and my "pack" were there.
In a moment of darkness where even my son didn't matter anymore, my sisters knew without being told how bad off I was. The energy-bond tells all. They found me again, even after months and years of silence between us because of one thing or another.
Not even death can destroy that.
I have a sister in a past life I did a horrible wrong to, or so I believe, and she became an enemy in this life. A Betrayer. The worst kind of enemy. She stole from me, and ripped her emotional support out from under me, and left me with nothing but darkness... yet she believe she was in the right. Trying to "rescue" what she "stole".
Yet she is still a sister. She came back and offered a peace to me, though things may never be the same with the trust so badly disrupted. But she is still a sister, no matter how much I want to deny it. She was one, and she will forever be as such regardless of what life hands us.
I have a sister who used to abuse me as I grew up. Treated me like crap. Acted more as the older sister then she was as MY younger sister. Blood-kin. Her choices sadden me. The life she choose to lead filled with very selfish mistakes that will cost her own children dearly. I love her. She is my sister, regardless of what life gives us.
That bond will always be there, no matter how I might feel.
I have a sister who clicked with me from the very beginning. She was an energtic sort that busted her ass at everything she did to the point of internal collaspe. I was there for he as she melted down from the inside out, overworked, stressed to the breaking point, and yet she STILL came out on top. We fought. Dominence struggles, both of alpha personalities. We nearly drive each other nuts, and at one point we have a breaking up, as it were. Yet after the months, the years we reunited, the old wounds healed in understanding.
The bond will always be there. No matter what struggles are put in our way. She was a role model in so many things, and continues to be so to this day. I wish I could finish artwork like she does! ;)
I have a sister who hates herself. She hurts so much that she hurts others. In moments of selfishness derived from an empty hollow inside her heart, she tries to fill it with things that make her happy. But so many are temporary. So many of these things are fleeting. They cause her more pain when they go away. Sometimes in a fit of self-denial or a sense of self worth-less-ness she drives new friends away. Fearful. In pain.
Yet she is a brillant person deep down inside, a great creative mind if she lets her self be so. So beautiful when she is doing the right thing for the right reasons. She has that potential, but so much hurt has wrapped a shell around her so tight that it often divides her from wonderful friendships and other sister-hoods.
That bond will always be there, no matter what she feels at a given time. I have never abandoned her, even if I suck at getting there to help. ;)
I have a sister who has shared some of the same pains as I. A lover who forced upon us an unthinkiable choice, then abandoned us for "greener pastures". A bond of blood, pain, depression, fear, and a deep spirituality because of that touch with the final darkness. Art was a god-send. It was an escape and a way of expressing ourselves. Her heart and mine share simialr scars. Her soul and mind were equally wounded. We met by chance, and became sisters in friendship.
No matter the distance that separates us, that bond will always be there.
I could go on and on, though they are but a select and special few. Those who have touched my life, saved me from myself, raised me up from the darkness of depression, and sheltered my heart with their words of comfort and shared hurt.
You are all loved.
I dislike it when you fight, however no two people will always get along.
Just know that the bond of sisterhood, no matter how strained, is a life altering connection that remains with us forever.