Jun 10, 2011 07:55
Sketch Fest is today and my son also graduates from Preschool (the day care we send him to acts like a Pre School for the soon to be school-aged kids - which is awesome). :)
My back and neck are bothering me from over-extensions and over exertion from work. The doctor has said I /have/ to have a back belt - otherwise I could do more serious damage to my lower back. *sighs* At least I was wise enough to not ignore the signs my body were telling me and went to him right away.
He also took blood to check for arthritis, it does run in my family and I have been having issues with my two pinky fingers this past winter. The second joint gets very tender, and I get stabbing pains in it at certain times of the day when it's cold outside and ready to storm. I hope it's not the rheumatoid version my one gram has - as that can be severely debilitating. o.O
However, he had me stretching and bending, then said that in his estimation - "at least it doesn't look like you have a slipped disc or something else along those lines".
I am on muscle relaxers and pain meds now. Whoo! I hope that I am able to draw for Sketch Fest! :)
life update,
sketch fest!,
sketch fest