No Sketch Fest in November, and about ATCs & ACEOs

Nov 08, 2010 08:08

With the upcoming holidays and scrambling a lot of people do in November (Black Friday after Turkey Day), end of semester, reports, grading, tests, etc, there are too many things to count that can impede the growth of this wonderful event. In addition to the rush for the winter holidays, there will be an early December Sketch Fest set up (hopefully), with maybe two in January. Or is the hope that this will happen.

So since this has occurred I've been busy with another project. Working on a group of ATCs/ ACEOs. My first set were marked out on smooth Bristol paper that I have laying about. I got to work on a series of 9 of them. However I ran into a problem when I don't cut them out first. Often the art bleeds over, or I accidentally color, paint, or mark into neighboring ATC spaces. What a mess. So I got to talking to an artist buddy of mine who told me about pre-cut ATC cards. Strathmore has created specifically for these baseball card sized artworks a series of pre-cut, pre-packaged ATC Cards that come in a variety of paper types. It's brilliant!

atc, sketch fest, aceo, art

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