“Mr. Valda, what can I do for you?” Theodore asked as he noticed the last of the patrons leaving the diner, his jaw shifting slightly, causing it to pop.
“Hello Theodore, we have some, concerns that we are sure only you can address,” said politely but with something approaching contempt, Valda merely gave Theodore a cursory glance before giving
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Yeah being told, "You work for these guys." And then remembering you have some sort of hold over them, can make them very uncontrollable, can make anything uncontrollable. Glad you got that, even though they are only dropped in here with very little to no background info on them in the course of the story. I won't say much else other then, if you are a Babylon 5 fan, there are some similarities between the Watchers and one of the organizations from there (and this was deliberate to some extent, especially after a three day B5 marathon). Of course there are a lot of other organizations like that too, in fact there are at least two I can think of in Star Wars (one obvious one if you are a SW buff).
That first one though, Valda would just do that to annoy Theo to no end, and because he is a jerk. A jerk who is way to easy to write, because really I had to pull back on how much Valda dialogue I put in here 'cause it was getting to the point where Theo would have punched him, and I don't think Valda would appreciate that. But really though, it's like Mrs. F having to sit there and listen to Valda berate Artie, how loyal was she to the Regents above and beyond the concern for her agents.
I know right? They do seem a bit hesitant about messing with MacPhearson, but Mrs. F on the other hand is more then willing to jump in, after plans are made. It kind of shows their knowledge of what goes on behind the scenes no?
I might do one more, a follow up of this story, that is Mrs. F and Theo's inevitable conversation concerning this and why he disappeared at the end of The Unseen Moments, and then see where I stand after that. Then we'll see the finale and how far off the mark I was.
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