Jan 10, 2005 18:15

A joyous spark ignites the circuits of the curious machine; a puff of smoke, a flash of light. electrons surge and gears begin to turn. a tremendous roar shakes the foundation as the needles begin to climb. a hiss of steam. governers govern and transformers transform and a loud clanging noise.

the door opens and the first steps out.

he speaks; 'i bring forth from the unknown wisdom; life is echoed in flugtag. fleeting victory to he who soars the longest before the unavoidable, shameful plunge into the aqueous terrain below. in the end, the crude contraptions are broken and cast aside and all are equal in the water under the ramp. thus an expression of the spirit of the competition is warranted, and deemed right and proper shall forever be the rite of celebration with much strong drink.'

an air of confusion permeates the room.

'what is this all about?'

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