Start of the new year

Sep 01, 2008 01:33

Today was move in day for most of the student body, at least those who hadn't stayed here over the summer. Old friends and familiar faces back, as well as some new ones. It's amusing to me that it's so easy to tell which people are either new to the school or the building, just in the way they move around. Especially when their parents are in tow. I suppose I was the same way, four years ago.

I wonder if Jason, Nick, and Davey feel the way that I feel, thinking about how long I've been here. Every new fall semester must remind them, pleasantly or not, about how long they've been here. For all the egging they give me about how I need to get on with my life, I've spent half the time here that they have. Do I feel like I need to move on? Not at all. I guess it is a little odd for a 25 year old post-Masters student to still be living in a dorm room, but I'm quite comfortable here. Never far from good company, and enough of the undesirable parts of dorm living to keep things from getting boring.

Speaking of the less desirable things, another year means another settling in period for me. I tried to fall asleep in the lobby tonight and failed. Too many new sounds and smells, it'll take a few days to focus that much again. In the meantime, I've got plenty to keep me distracted. A brand new sewing machine ($15?!?) and plenty of work to prep for NDK. Things to do in the lab too, but I think I'm taking Labor Day off. Gotta give my room a really good organizing, find more things for ebay, and call home.

It's nice to be able to pay attention to the rest of the world. Thank goodness I've got people to chat with about current events. There's always something more important going on than any of the simplicities here, but that's probably a good thing.