One week left...

May 04, 2008 09:38

One week left until school's over. It's finals week and most others are either holed up studying, or buzzing around looking for an excuse to avoid it. Me? I'm looking for a job. After hints being dropped and a bunch of leads followed, I'm still empty handed. I went and interviewed at the bookstore yesterday. We'll see.

But it's hard to be unhappy with the weather out. We had a blizzard that closed Rapid City down on Friday, it was like nothing I've ever seen. But it blew through in about 12 hours, and then the sun came out and instantly things started melting. I had a snowdrift about three feet high trap my car on Friday, and today it's nothing more than slush. Lots of birdsong and runoff water. The spring bulbs and most of the flowering trees made it through just fine. And while I'm on it, HOORAY for flowers. I've got cyclamen, mandevilla, and pansies in my room, and there's plenty of wildflowers and bulbs budding outside. Why don't people GARDEN around here?! Spring's such a wonderful time to be outdoors, but so much of the city is still caked in dust and gravel from the winter. Landscaping people, sheesh! Thank goodness there are at least some nice nurseries around here for refuge.

Until the end of the year it's plugging away up in collections for me, and packing. I've been filtering through many of my dinosaur toys to get them listed up on Ebay. The money crunch has filtered from the general economy down to me. Food's expensive, gas is expensive, and housing for the summer is a lot more than I thought it would be. The possibility of not having a solid summer job is daunting. So it's a bunch of my restored Windstones and some of the lesser-liked dinos headed to the highest bidder. I have too much stuff anyway, or at least just nowhere to put it. One of the many reasons why I can't wait to get a place of my own. I think everyone would have too much stuff if they were asked to cram most of it into a dorm room.