Political Nonsense (don't read if you don't like)

Oct 02, 2010 16:49

So, not that I ever post much meaningful, but if you're in Indiana and not aware, you have the right to help decide an important Senate Race. So you should! Go vote. shoo. Ellsworth v Coats. Ellsworth is the democrat and is kinda getting his butt kicked at present, which wouldn't have really been an issue if Byah hadn't retired at this extremely crucial moment ( go go democrat discipline? ). I'm gonna actually just pretty much say that I'm dem-biased in the current election as congressional split or red all over will lead to absolutely nothing happening for the next 2 years. Even if you are conservative-leaning, you're not going to see conservative policies enacted if the republicans take over, they'll just be dead locked as the numbers will still be close and they lack the executive, particularly with how severely partisan things are right now. I dunno about other folks, but I don't think things are so peachy right now that I want nothing done for two years.

On a less right-left-biased note you should all check this out: http://www.videogamevoters.org/ especially if you play video games or give a damn about them as a form of free expression, story telling, media or what not. If you're not motivated by that link, here is a much funnier and angrier link telling you why you should view the previous link. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/1742-Video-Game-Voters-Network

dem-biased political rambling.

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