So, Who's reading The Widening Gyre? It is a really fun read so far. Some really fun Bruce and Tim interaction. All thanks to
the_protagonist for the rec on this series. I really hope that I didn't accidently post anything that she was going to. >.<
I guess he didn't consider Damian then. It is nice to see Bruce’s perspective on it though. Ha, go Nightwing.
Why? Because it amuses me. :) What the heck is Bruce reading anyways.
^.^ it is not like your any better with the ladies Tim.
He hears someone moaning a pet name and sex screams and thinks it may be Robin.... Teehee.
<3<3 Don't like how Tim is drawn at all, but AWWW Bruce cares!
Tim looks soooo much better without the mask. I love this so much, because just before Bruce was complaining about how he was completely taken aback by the guy taking off his mask and Tim has the exact same reaction. :) they really are similar.