(no subject)

Oct 17, 2004 02:16

well lets see my first time writin in this thing so lets see. last night was a little wierd for me sorta felt like i had failed in something but i really had no reason to. but i guess i should just let life go on. today was the usual work at my favorite place ::cough:: advance auto parts. u would think id be workin at a kitchen instead of car parts righ. i mean i just spent 40,000 dollars in studyin culinary arts. hmm dunno why. i always was in classes like auto cad, computer animation, ceramics. then when i got a car i just started to love cars. if only i had more money. if only we all did right lol. well today at my job i had hortencia (loud no extremely loud cuban lady that bitches about everthing but for some reason has my back most of the time) and sandro ( good guy tries to get things done right and gets frustrated cause usually no one cares like he does). we got things done we couldnt really throw anything away garbage was full of card board boxes we couldnt sweep cause there was nothing to pick the dirt up with other than the usual carrying heavy boxes of antifreeze. after work i went to "the racers house" wich is just a couple firends of mine wich all are goofballs .... like me lol . Shaggy the one i knew first worked with me and now is currently finishin up boot camp at the navy hes like 18 right now. papucho is the oldest brother 20 hes goin to the navy next week and has a bad temper but generaly a cool guy. then theres zito odd ball of the family i think but hes funny as hell. when i got there they had just finished making a welcome back sign for shaggy really nice said hey sailor and had a a sponge bob painted next to it. the people who made it was narisa (really skinny girl not the best looking but very nice) and karina ( shaggys g/f very funny girl shes 17 but looks like shes 12 very nice person to) we talked for a while then everyone left and i was of to the race hangouts. i picked up my friend and i was annoyed as hell cause my belts were goin bad. imagine goin to a place where all the nice cars are at and your car sounds like a cricket lol. whatever we went to a few hangouts i mean they got raided so we had to switch but it was alright papucho came along cause he wanted to see the places one last time before he left to the navy. took him home and hey look im typing lol ttyl
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