May 25, 2005 21:49
well nothing really happened today. im prolly going to the movies tommrow. and im gunna get my Astraeus shirt tommrow.
tommrow me calvin and keith are going to hensels class as usual and are going to 1st lunch.
im writing about pointless...nothing to write
jsut blabbering..
absolutly pointless...
i dont noe why im still wrting..
this update is really boring and pointless...
i mean im talking about tomorow instead of what happend today..
but nothing really happened today..
so i dont noe why im updating..
ok i think this is enough..
jsut because im wasting ur time...
thats if u even reading it this far..
if u are reading it this far..
good for you..
i really appreciate you reading this...
but i dont noe why im saying that..
because this is a really pointless and boring update..
so to make it more interesting..
you should comment..
jsut for me..
or comment for this journal entry...
tell me what u think about it..
but thats if u even comment...
because i doubt u are reading this far..
well this is really goodbye..
cuz this is a boring and not that cool,non- interesting journal update...
i cant beleeve you are reading my long comment..
its quite impresive...
but not as impresive as this entry..
so comment tell me if your...
lvoe this entry.....
want to murder me ...
because im wrting about nothing...
and wasting your time....
but hey its not my fault...
im jsut realy really really really really really....
really really really really really really...
really couldnt possibly understand....
well maybe you can because ur reading this entry....
congradulations....ivvve wasted about a mintue of ur life...
if i kept doing this then id be wasting so much of your life...
i heard that u spend more than half of your life sleeping...
isnt that weird...
i found it very interesting bceause it almost sounds improbable...
or even inconsevable...
have you ever seen the move "the princess bride"..
thats a good movie...
thats were i got the word inconsevable from...
the short guy always says that when he cant beleve something is happening...
and how about the guy that has the sword fight with the masked man...
the guys that says "my name is ********(idk his name)....
and u killed my father....
prepare to die...
he says that alot....
but my favorite character in that movie is the giant...
and they light him on fire to scare away the guards from the castle...
yea that was cool..
ive wasted so much time from ur life...
how does it feel...
why dont u comment about it...
how about that...
sounds good....
dan morradian jsut i.m.d me..
dans pretty cool...
prolly the coolest thing around...
you noe what i mean...
you probably dont...
you noe whats cool
take a guess....
ill give u a couple of seconds....
you get the asnwer...
wait i forgot the question....
oh yeah...
this journal entry..
i wonder if ur reading it this far..
once again u should comment....
but thats if u even get this far...
if u dont read all this then i feel bad for you...
i actually feel bad for myself because im writing all of this...
but ur reading all of it which is a whole lot easier..
sometimes i wish i had those talking things..
like u talki into a microphone and the words type....
that would be soo cool....
jsu becase my fingers are starting to hurt...
that would be really nifty as dan would put it...
who created that word..
if u noe comment on this entry...
because i would like to noe...
it would be one of those facts that no one noes about..
and u could be like..
do u noe who created the word "nifty"...
and the ppl will be like nope cant say i do...
and u can say his name is ******...
i wish i knew....
then i could give u the answer..
and then it would be on jeopardy...
and if i went on that show id win...
because i noe alot of stuff...
ask me an yes or no question...
jsut comment on this entry and then ask me..
or u can i.m me...
ill still give u an answer...
bceause im jake..
they dont call me Jake Draper for nothin..
i cant beleeve im wrting this much...
and i cant beleeve u reading this much..
thats if u reading all of this...
well i thinm this is enough writing for tonight..
ill see you tommrow..
-ur friend jake