Apr 13, 2007 14:27
So I posted last night when I was in a bad place. I feel better today, even though a bit down about not having a good time last night. In truth, I was upset last night because a friend made it sound like he didn't want to be there when he made an off-color remark. It made me feel un-emportant. I realize it was a joke and uasn't meent to be serious but at the time I couldm't see pasd it. I feel bad today that I let myself get so down about it and it probably didn't help yhat only 3 of my friends showed up (not including Joe, Kris and Tina and all of Joe's friends who were the second half if the party because it was Joe's birthsay too). I feel foolesh and immature and just down right awful that I didn't let myself enjoy the company of my friends. I guess there must be things weighing on mi.