Dec 29, 2005 01:51
hello every one
i hope every one had a good xmas. well i had really nice time i had xmas with my mum dad and the kids then i went over to see my man and his kids we had a really nice time. then on boxing day i had xmas dinner with his mum dad and his brother and it was good and the kids had more gifts to open lol so ya you can say i had really good time. my boyfriend and i are now engaged so we are so happy and things are going well. the kids mum just being her self again i was a bit upset the other night when she was going away one of the kids was so up set to see her go we both did say to her she can stay but no no she didn't she was being funny and make us feel bad then the kids start saying thing that really hurt there dad i was so pissed off with her i wish she stop all of this its not getting any where part from making things hard for her and up setting the kids grrrr....
part from all that as i send be for i wasn't keeping that well but i am get there i feel a lot better but i get the rest of my test tomorrow so i hope every thing is ok.
well i hope every one is happy and things so i will go for now
take care bye .