Apr 13, 2005 11:04
This is not entry... this is an advertisement.
Similar to what Capote once said, "This isn't writing, this is just typing."
My band, The Cartunes, are still alive and kicking.
...and by the way, we have a new masterpiece out. It's called, "The Illustrated Vinyl Rotator." You'll hear more about it when I feel like telling you.
Until then, I'll just stick to the commercial extremes I've grown fond of.
The new album is available now - treat yourself and buy it. Here's a tip for the true friends and fans though: You can get in your car and drive down to your local music shop and buy it for $30.00, or you can get the same thing from one of us for only $6.00. It's up to you.
Just email dead2u@tm.net and let The Cartunes know where you're at.
It's good, trust me.
Dorothy D.