
Oct 12, 2004 08:00

I'm in a bad mood today. Not a bad mood like "hi, I'm Avril Lavigne and look at me ... I'm so cute and angry ... with my arms folded and my face all scrunched up and squinty on the cover of Entertainment Weekly ... " I just woke up on the wrong side of the bad. I hate my math class and I can't wait to get in there and find out that I failed the test miserably. My teacher has A.D.D. and he can't teach worth shit. I got a 46.5 out of 40 on my Medical Terminology test from last week. Who says 110% doesn't exist? I think this is the first test I've ever done that on ... maybe the last time was elementary school, but I can't remember those days too much anymore.

It all came down to Brehnt on Sunday. Everyone was in and ready to go get our pictures taken for the website Mark has been bulding. People want to know what we look like for some reason. If we're cute and thin and dress like the Gap commercials tell us, they'll continue listening to us ... otherwise, if we're ugly ... well, you know what happens to ugly people.

I don't think we have a chance in Hell. I think we're the ugliest group of kids to come along in who knows how long. They'll see our pictures and it will all end right there. I guess that's why we've been so hesitant about doing this. Like I said, it all came down to Brehnt and he had to babysit his brother and sister. Like the Yankees find a different way to win, we find even more of a variety of ways to fuck ourselves.

Christopher Reeves and Ken Caminiti both died on Sunday. I knew Caminiti took steroids so I wasn't surprised to hear that he died of heart failure. My Dad told me that he took cocaine a couple of times too. That'll do it...

My parents bought my grandparents a DVD player just so they could see the 30 minute commercial that the movie theatre has done for our clinic. We're sending them a bunch of DVD's from our own personal collection, including The Doors and The Shinning. I'm not supposed to have time to watch movies because of all the school I'm supposed to be immersed with ... but I've been watching quite a few just to keep sane. The newest one that I really enjoyed was a movie called "Saved." It reminds me of here. You wouldn't think so by looking at the cover, but the cast is actually really good. Macaulay Culkin, Mandy Moore, Patrick Fugit ... all very good. Mandy Moore plays a pretty hateable devout Christian.

I watched the debates, and after the Vice Presidential debate I realized that everything they say must be fact-checked. At any point in time, they can easily make ridiculous accusations and get away with it. I believed Cheney when he said he had never met Sen. Edwards before ... and then the next morning, there were photos of the two of them sitting next to each other and even shaking hands at a memorial service. It just goes to show that you can't believe anything they say. How about the moment? Remember, Sen. Kerry looking into the camera during the last debate and he promised he wouldn't make any new taxes on anyone making less than $200,000? Remember that? That one will be impossible for everything he wants to do.

Enough about politics. I'm looking forward to Halloween. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving. I'll finally get to see so many relatives I haven't seen or talked to in ages. The last time I even got a glimpse of anyone was in Carson City at Aunt Rita's funeral. At that time, my sister and I were in such a hurry to leave - we barely got to talk with anyone. Oh well, I'll see them all in a month or so.

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