Crazy Dorothy's Rock 'n' Roll Music Giveaway

Jul 25, 2004 10:38

It's Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!!!

The boys and I discussed this. If you want to buy the new CD (our fourth), we'll give you our second CD for free. The second CD is 80 mins long. We put 26 tracks on it, making it the longest record we've done yet. Most bands or artists or musicians out there today don't give their fans and friends that much music for free. We do.

It was entitled "The Burning Bridge." And like I said, it's more than an hour's worth of music. This CD has everything you could ever want from a band. It has the first instrumentals we ever attempted, a couple live songs (including one where my sister unexpectedly busts in and tells us to shut up for being 'too loud') a few cover songs and a remix of "Dead2u."

I remember breaking a string at the end of one song called "I Hate Mark David Chapman" which was just guitar and no lyrics. It's my Jimi Hendrix moment. You don't have to listen too closely to pinpoint the spot, but look for it.

This disc also includes the infamous "Episodes," which were secretly recorded sessions of the Cartunes talking over dinner, and going to a party.

The key tracks on "The Burning Bridge" are: "Betrayer" and "Stupid People". Like I said, send me an email, comment on this or AIM me and I will make sure you get your copies of both CDs.

I'll have a review of "All Those Opposed" by tommorrow. Thank you so far to everyone who has been supporting us. We're working on a live show for you.

Dorothy D.
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