Aug 30, 2005 00:07
'Everybody hates me because they die or get hurt!'
I need a ballonism.
God Aqua Teen is still brilliant. I know the hype is gone now but it doesnt change the fact that the show rules.
It is Thomas's birthday right now. I havent gotten him anything. Im such a terrible friend.
But at least Im a friend. I was thinking about something recently. Two of my very very good friends are two people that people always seem to be talking shit about. Its not neccesarily malicious shit just talking negative. Constantly saying that they're stupid and stuff. One of them is the aforementioned. The other one is someone who is both our friends.
Its kinda starting to annoy me. Yeah, sure both of them can be immature assholes. They're still young. (both recently turned 20) But they can also be very awesome,honest, incredibly entertaining people who are (amazingly enough) ALWays there when I need them. And I probably know them both a LOT better than those that talk shit do. And I pick my close friends wisely.
I can be weird and protective sometimes. weird.
The new job was pretty cooh. Basically its just working the Photo Lab. I do the same thing I get to do at home. Except Im mostly sober and fucking around on a computer. I get to wear a plain white shirt and I dont have to really talk to people unless they're dropping off their film. Thing is they only have ONE person who runs the whole photo lab. So when it gets busy its not like anybody else can help you. Because they dont know how. So im trying to pay very close attention.
Its pretty tight. But it was the first day. So we shall see how the week goes before I get my hopes up. Im so sick of getting my hopes up and being dissapointed.
It seems the be the running theme in my life.
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Oh word?