Mar 01, 2005 16:37
ummmmm... i'm really drained. i dont like this much. i have no energy, but i don't wanan keep sleeping, because its also making me feel like shit, like im over sleeping. to keep a long story short i had to go to the e.r. last night becasue i couldn't walk and such, i got real sick real quick. i knew i had a UTI for about a week, but it wasn't effecting me too too bad, and i was planning to go to the clinic and whatnot to get checked up, but they are only open certain days and times, so i had to leave a message, they still haven't called back. not too long after i took a turn for the worst i guess, so hospital it was. turns out i prolly had the UTI for a while before i even knew it. long enough where it spread to my kidneys, and i ahve some sort of kidney disease now, which was what made me so bad yesterday. i have to call tomorrow to see if they got my results back, saying exactly what's wrong with them. so i got there, in my room and whatnot and some paramedics came in and hooked me up to ivs, antibiotics, things for hydration, stuff like that. then they took like 5 tubes of blood for tests. i was there for some hours, and they let me go home a little while after my ivs were done. but i guess it was on its way to killing me, and if i didn't get my meds by today, i'd be dead, or something close to it. who would've known it was that bad, i never get sick, then i do and it's something that almost killed me. it was scary there for a little while. yesterday i felt like i was dying, but i didn't think it was anything that bad, i thought it just felt like it. i'm doing a little better now, i'm just drained, tired, kinda shitty. i still find myself being confused/ out of it/ spacey, whatever u wanna call it. everythings so wierd to me. i dont know what to do with myself. i just hope the meds they gave me are going to be enough for my kidneys, becasue i don't want to have to go back, and get other things done, or anything. i just want it to be over. i find myself pretty lonely now, kinda depressed, but i guess atleast i feel better phsyically. i dont really know what else to say. i dont know what to do with myself. i'm just real blahh. i hope everyone had a good weekend and such.