I came all this way for this?

May 02, 2007 19:05

Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: KFC
It's like the lottery, almost all the enjoyment occurs before the act, which only brings disappointment and stomach ache
Literary: Einstein's theory of relativity Some people bought "A Brief History of Time" then never read it, mayhap leaving it 'pon coffee tables to look cool. I promise I never intended such an end for this bookAudiovisual: Lad's mags Boobs. Like. Everywhere. It's not my fault :(
Musical: Steve Vai Notes. Like. Everywhere. It's sort of more my fault. I just like notes, high pitched ones, played fast, on boobs.
Celebrity: Whomever is pretty and available semi-clad on t'internet. Most recently Jessica Biel 'nuff said

Now I tag:-

eldan the_nunnery kelly_lesbo stenchpuppy and trashcanglam

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