Jul 24, 2006 20:22
Hmmmmm...what to post, what to post what to....
BOBBY GOT A JOB! Like a for-real job. Not a temp. Not a slack-ass job. A full-time, overtime, wake up early, good-paying, (hopefully) long-term JOB. He's a garage door installer for Overhead Door. Today was his first day. He gets paid next week, and every week after that. His wages are decent and will get better in the coming months. We're gonna be ok. We've been strugglin our asses off, but we'll be ok now, I think. I'm at the point where I don't want to jinx it. *sigh* Maybe in a few months the reality of his job will actually hit me. It's just...eeeeeee!
Let's see, what else....?
I have a little over a week to get 120 pieces of jewelry made to sell at a festival thingy that Poe is going to on August 3rd. She bought the booth for me. Now all I gotta do is provide the goods to sell. It's a lot of pressure for me...last I heard, I was the only jewelry booth so it's a little intimidating. I hope things sell. I hope I do well. I hope people like what I make.
I already sold two pieces, with another piece on hold until the buyer gets the money. Both went for $15 a piece, one was a bracelet and one was a necklace. I wasn't planning on charging that much for a bracelet, but if I can get away with it...why not?
I estimated that if I even just sold HALF at $10 a piece, I'd make $600, which would make up the cost of the booth and the money put out for supplies, with a few hundred dollars in profit left over. AND I'm paying Poe a percentage for her troubles. Its the least I can do.
Now I just have to put together everything. Earrings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets. Every item will be original. Every item will vary in price according to material used, time put into it, etc.
If this works out, I'm gonna start something up...start small. A website, business cards. Try to get my jewelry picked up by small shops here in Pittsburgh...maybe. The possibilities are endless. Who knows, maybe I won't have to work in the food industry for the rest of my life.
Things looking up?
Crossin my fingers, sayin a prayer (I do that a lot lately...strange. I'm startin to think maybe this faith stuff really works.)
I've learned that I can't be in control of things, as much as I want to be. God...I've turned into such a control freak that I've actually lost control of myself. But I've come to terms with the fact that with so many balls up in the air, I might not catch one. One may drop. But then, who knows? Someone might be there to catch it for me. I'm not alone, I don't have to be, and I don't want to be. I'm a damn strong person, but I can be weak sometimes...it's ok. Can't be invincible all the time, right?
Oh well...I've gone on and on and on long enough. Time to move on.
Pleasant Something, my friends