Dec 21, 2003 16:45
First real kiss: What counts as a real kiss?
First job: The Botanical Emporium...I worked there for a day.
First screen name: LizzyQ222
First self-purchased album: The Cranberries "No Need To Argue"
First funeral: 6th grade - Lauren Hinish's grandfather.
First pet: Dog named Bo
First piercing: ears when I was a few months old
First true love: my first actual true love...believe it or not, the guy I'm love with right now.
First place you lived on your own, excluding college: I haven't yet...even when I was living in my apartment in Columbus, I wasn't really on my own.
First date favorite: Actually, that would be my first and only date, where my friend Matt and I went to see XMen, and then he gave me a tour of his college campus
First taste of booze [at what age]: honestly, I can't remember.
Last big car ride: Well, going to Philly is only a 5 hour drive, so that doesn't count. Hmmmm...Connecticut with Mo over the summer. I think that was it.
Last kiss: ...
Last good cry: A few weeks ago
Last movie seen: LOTR: Return of the King
Last beverage drank: OJ
Last food consumed: An Omlet with bacon, cheese, onions, mushrooms and peppers, toast, and a side of homefries, compliments of Eppingers truck stop. yum!
Last phone call: Last person I called was Russ, and I got his freaking answering machine.
Last TV show watched: I was watching some cartoon...but not really watching it.
Last shoes worn: my knee high boots with the buckles
Last CD played: A mixed CD my uncle Michael gave me.
Last item bought: Gretchen!!! You didn't need to buy me a present! blarg...
Ummm...i think it was my nude-colored fishnets.
Last disappointment: when I missed Russ's call last night. I heard the phone ringing, and I was in the next room and...yeah. I said I'd explain later.
Last soda drank: a coke yesterday
Last ice cream eaten: vanilla ice cream with my apple pie on Thanksgiving
Last shirt worn: My bright ass green vans shirt
Last person you thought of: Gretchen, cause she's the one who sent this to me.
I was in Greenville, PA for the past two days for my uncle's wedding. It was held at Theil college. The wedding was fun, I got to hang out with my cousin who is *gasp* all of 14 years old (and now I feel ancient) and Lisa, who is now my aunt, looked absolutely radiant. I'll never be able to call her "aunt lisa" because she's only 4 years older than me.
Going to weddings always makes me want to call Russ and tell him I love him.
The night before the wedding, we all went to a bar after we'd had enough food at the rehersal dinner (pizza, wings, and beer...can't beat it) and got to know eachother. I only knew 2 of the bridesmaids and 4 of the grooms, so it was kinda fun to hang out with everyone else. Uncle Michael's friend Stephanie came over from England to be at the wedding. She and I hit it off, right off the bat. She's a really funny, hilarious person, and we had a lot in common. Anyway, there was a lot of laughter, drinking, and fun. The bridesmaids, stephanie, Lisa, my mom and I did blowjob shots. Another memory I'll forever have ingrained into my mind: My dad was the one who ordered for us.
"Hey, can I get 8 blowjobs?"
Life has never been stranger. Except for...
The house we stayed in.
It was this little house with colonial furniture and an insane amount of creepy portraits hanging on the walls of every room. Well, all except my room, which made me happy. It was one of those houses with lots of doors, and little nooks, corners and turns and stairways at odd angles. Very weird, kinda cool.
And I say Kinda.
Friday night is when the "fun" started.
We had all gone to bed. I fell asleep peacefully, after reading a bit of a book that I'd brought with me. I had the cell phone in my hand, because I was waiting for Russ to call.
3:00am, he calls, and we talk for a while. I tried to keep my voice low, because the walls were paper thin, and I didn't want to wake anyone up. My back was to the door, and the lights were out, the soft glow of the streetlamp up the street, shining into my window. I heard footsteps in the hall, my doorknob turn, and my door open and shut with a slam.
That's when my cell phone cut out.
I rolled onto my back and looked at the phone quizically. The reception was completely down, and just a minute ago, it had been at full. I shifted onto my other side facing the door, and the reception went back up again.
Chalking it up to a random failure, I called him back. Told him my phone just cut out for no reason. Said I should say goodnight and hang up before it happens again.
I look up and the door is opening again. I see a figure look in, and I thought it was my mom.
"Who keeps coming in my room?"
Footsteps going away.
Got off the phone, went back to sleep.
I figured it was my mom, looking for the bathroom. She was a little drunk from the night before, and sometimes being in a strange house is a little disorienting. Plus, the bathroom was right across the hall from my bedroom. Honest mistake.
The next morning, as I stood in the bathroom brushing my teeth, my brother dropped this line on us.
"This house is haunted."
Now, for my brother to say something like that is strange. He's a skeptic until he gets proof of anything.
"What makes you say that?" My mom called from her room.
He recounted this story.
He'd stayed in the house while mom, dad, and I were at the bar in town.
Lemme tell you about the bathroom first off. You can't really shut the door so that the lock will click into place, unless you lean your weight against it. Then it's fine. But the doorknob is loose and doesn't work. So if you get the lock into place, you're stuck in the bathroom.
He was stuck in the bathroom. He stepped back from the door, and said out loud "How am I gonna get out of here?"
As he was reaching for his cell phone, he heard a slam against the bottom of the door, and it swung open, like someone had kicked it.
Story 2:
While he was upstairs talking to someone on the phone, he heard a loud thumping in the living room.
Story 3: He walked downstairs after taking a shower, to find a puddle on the floor. It looked like it had dripped from the ceiling, but there was no spot on the ceiling where the water could have come from.
This was when I asked: "Hey, who came in my room last night?"
All I got were stares. I told them about the door one heard it last night.
This is what I get for being a light sleeper and a clairvoyant. No fair.
That day, nick and I went to inspect the basement...just to creep ourselves out. Honestly, the paranormal whatnot doesn't bother us. We're curious, that's all.
The basement was flooded, and there was a stereo device on some shelves against the wall, turned on. It was recording something, that's for sure. We just don't know what.
Nick also noticed later in the day that there are motion sensor devices placed throughout the house.
Later on that night, dad returned to the house to get a bottle of tequila and my mom's chapstick. He went upstairs for the chapstick, and while in the bedroom, he heard someone walking through the kitchen.
Night number two.
Nick woke up from a completely sound sleep (something that is absolutely impossible for him) because something had slammed the heating vent shut in his room.
Enter the shuffling footsteps...down the hall and across the floor of my bedroom.
My heating vent was shut this morning too. I wasn't around to see it happen though, because I followed the snoring into my parents' room, where I cleared the stuff of the tiny sofa, threw my fleece blanket over my head, and went to sleep crying. I can't place why I was crying. I wasn't scared so much as I just wanted to get some sleep, and I couldn't do it with feet shuffling through my room. I always feel comforted by the company of my parents, and I figured I'd get a better sleep in there. My bedroom just had an ill feeling to quite right. God I hate that feeling.
But no...I felt this strange sense of...sadness, and I was crying. It passed and I fell asleep, just as the TV clicked off by itself.
I asked my mom yesterday, and we came up with the conclusion that unless someone set the sleep timer on the TV, a television shouldn't turn off by itself.
Fast forward to early morning, when dad made me crawl in on the other side of the bed, and he went to sleep in my room. Mom got up to go to the bathroom, and I swear the rocking chair started rocking by itself. Already jumpy, I threw the blanket over my head until mom came back.
I really had to get out of that house.
We left this morning, after we packed up all our stuff, and tried to leave the place reasonably clean. I can't place exactly what I felt. I wasn't scared, so much as I was on overload.
Mom said that Aunt Lynn used to talk about how open she was to paranormal contact. She said that grandma had the same abilities, but absolutely refused to acknowledge them, so she never saw a thing, even when she stayed in the same house. And my mom is the same way. She didn't want to see anything, so she didn't.
Nick is curious...I think he's starting to realize what ability he was born with. My dad and I talked about how his mom was willing, and even welcoming to seeing everything that she could. My dad and I are both willing but wary. I think he and I are both unable to turn it off at will.
I know I can't.
I came away from that house drained and on overload. Footsteps, doorslamming, and apparitions. It was quite a weekend. I haven't had any experiences like that since I was a kid, and it was never as strong as this. I don't know if it gets stronger as you get older or what. It's not something that can be tested. You just have to keep you eyes open and your ears focused.
It definately wasn't something bad. I just got a deep feeling of being lost. Usually when whatever is in the house is malicious, I can feel it deep down.
Anyway, that was my weekend. Believe all that I've gone through, or don't. Either way, it'll make for some interesting storytelling for years to come.
Pleasant Something People