Feb 04, 2005 17:01
I'm having a hot date with my daddy... yepp that's right my amazing dad is being an awesome guy and treating me real nice since the last guy turned out to be a big jerk! It's okay i'm over it and i miss Elaine like this much ALOT! Another thing the baby's bday is coming up and that should be fun plus i get to eat good food! I'm glad to be single, yeah at first i was in a little shock but no guy has that much power over me . And guess wat i'm so going to do now... me and heather are going to go on hot dates with each other and go rumming around for good looking guys cuz i'm sick with the same old stuff. I need more, and better things in my life. So yeah well that's not the main point the main point is that i'll be seeing Jovan soon so YAY!!! i have AWESOME friends and i know that even tho Elaine has completly dessapeared from the map she misses me and when we see each other we'll fall in love all over again. well that's it....
wat u did was wat most ppl called a BIG MISTAKE.... just letting u know.