bigbang artses..

Sep 22, 2013 10:59

I went and did it again, I bigbanged. This time for the 2013 spnmpregbb. And, since I signed up as a full-fledged artist (instead of a pinch-hitter), I got to pick my prompt. I chose the J3 story because the summary intrigued me, it had so much potential for angst (which I love), and the author definitely delivered. I really enjoyed both making the art for this piece and reading it, and working with rankwriter was fun and easy. So, here we go again..

Title: The First Cut is the Deepest (PDF & eBook links @ bottom.)
Author: rankwriter
Artist: dragynville
Pairing(s): Jeff/Jensen, Jeff/Jared, Jeff/Jensen/Jared
Fandom: CW RPF
Genre: AU
Warning: infidelity, mpreg, polyamory
Word Count: 28k
Rating: NC17
Summary: Jensen really loved his husband Jeff, and Jeff really loved him back. Everything was perfect, until it wasn't. Jared really loves his husband Jeff, and Jeff loves Jared, too. When Jeff's two worlds collide, there will be winners and losers, pain and loss. This is a story about a man who loved two men, lost them through his own stupidity, and his fight to make things right and maybe win back the loves of his life.

(All images: click for fullsize where applicable.)

Title banner: Immediately upon reading the story, I got the inspiration for the basic layout of this image in mind: Jeff in the middle with images of Jensen's and Jared's stories on either side of him. I went with the grid/squares, bold stripes, and strong fonts to give it a masculine feel to match the feel of the story and characters.

Chapter dividers: the story doesn't have traditional chapters so much as POV shifts with their names as dividers, so I thought it would be fun to combine their images with their names.

End banner: I carried the divider theme into the end banner, but with their house as the image.

Book covers: I also made alternate book covers, both a Jensen and a Jared version.

Downloads: rankwriter made PDFs and I made .epub eBooks.

Jensen cover: [PDF] [eBook]
Jared cover:   [PDF] [eBook]

Miscellany: non-J images are from various free stock photos, Sullivan's Diner and Monument Valley in Arizona, Walt Disney World in Florida, and Skywalker Ranch in California. Fonts are Market Deco and Cornerstone.

Thanks to deanlives and yohkobennington for running spnmpregbb, thanks to all the participants for sharing their work and entertaining the rest of us, and thanks to rankwriter for being such an awesome bigbang partner. :D

masterpost, j3, bigbang, art? whut?

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