(no subject)

Jun 14, 2007 12:42

Here are the pages for the two new SPN characters, word for word..



Dean's kind of place. Dean waits, checks his watch, downs the last of his beer.

DEAN (to himself) Hell with her.

Gets up to leave. Bela appears behind him, kisses Dean lightly on the cheek.

BELA Am I fashionably late?

DEAN You're way past that.

BELA I'm sorry. It couldn't be helped.

She sits down at the table. Dean stands looking at her. Bela takes a beat before she notices him.

BELA If you're waiting for more of an explanation than that, you're in for a long wait.

Dean shakes his head and sits. A waitress comes over. Dean waves his empty beer bottle to signal another.

BELA (to waitress) I guess a dry Chardonnay would be too much to ask for?

WAITRESS (dryly) You could ask.

BELA (gives her hard eyes) Right... okay, top shelf Vodka over lots of ice.

Waitress nods, turns to go.

BELA Nice place. (dry as a bone, withering) The last Martini served here was an Italian, and he ordered a bourbon.

DEAN So what do you want, Bela?

BELA Okay. Just business, then. You've got the crystal skull.

DEAN Not on me.

BELA Don't play coy, Dean.

DEAN Why's it so important to you.

BELA It's worth a lot of money if it gets in the right hands.

DEAN And it's really dangerous if it gets in the wrong ones.

BELA Not my problem. I'm just a facilitator.

DEAN Well, good for you. But I have a conscience.

BELA A pretty selective one from what I understand. Look, let's cut the holier than thou crap. Name your price and give me the skull.

DEAN You think getting tough with me is your best shot here?

BELA Honey, you don't want to see my best shot. (beat) Look, you think I'm some heartless mercenary? Hey, I cry everytime I see "It's a Wonderful Life." I'm just playing the game the way it's supposed to be played. There's no good or evil... there's just different points of view. It's just business. You play it right, there's good money to be made. And if you'd wake up and smell the treasury notes, you'd see where the future lies.

DEAN I don't see how I got much of a future, Bela.

BELA Well, that's up to you. But I need that skull. If you won't sell it, there are other ways.

The waitress arrives with the drinks. Bela knocks hers back in one swift move.

BELA (to Dean) Thanks for the drink.

She leaves.




Sam sits on the bed, pensive, thoughtful. When he suddenly hears from behind him--

RUBY What is it with you guys and cheap motels? It's so sleazy. (then) I kinda like it.

Ruby stands in the room. Sam reacts.

SAM Boy Knocking just isn't your thing, is it?

RUBY What can I say? I like to make an entrance.

She approaches Sam. She holds herself with a seductive confidence... an empowered sexuality. Maybe she'll take you home... or maybe she'll kick your ass.

RUBY Well. Nice work, Sam. You did good today.

SAM Good? Two people are dead.

RUBY No. Two people were killed. And you killed them.

SAM Shut your mouth--

RUBY I mean, bang, right between the eyes. Don't you let the cuddly facade fool you-- you're a deadly shot.

SAM (growing angry) They were possessed! They were gonna kill Dean!

RUBY Maybe you could've found another way. Without drilling 'em.

SAM There was no other way! I had no other choice!

Ruby takes a beat. Breaks into a wide smile.

RUBY Jeez. Thank you. That's what I've been trying to tell you for weeks now.

SAM (thrown for a loop) What...?

RUBY Of course there wasn't a choice. Of course you did the best you could.

She sidles closer to Sam. There's a seduction here.

RUBY This is what happens. It's war. People die. There's collateral damage.

SAM We're supposed to save as many people as we can.

RUBY No. We're supposed to win. And that's it. You can't make an omelette without cracking a few eggs.

SAM You think you're funny?

RUBY I think I'm just being honest. Sam, people are gonna die. But thousands more are gonna live. It's not easy... but that's brass tacks. So you can wring your hands and play your Morrissey... or you can make sure these people didn't die for nothing.

Ruby takes another long beat. Then, with a wicked smile...

RUBY And... you know... wartime isn't without it's... advantages.

SAM What's that mean?

RUBY It's kinda.. well, romantic, don't you think? Very "Casablanca." (beat; then, leading) What do you think, Sam... we don't know if we'll be alive tomorrow... so what should we do tonight?

SAM You serious?

RUBY What are you, a candy striper? Nothing wrong with a little physical recreation. Or a lot of it, if we got the time.

SAM I think you're a little twisted.

RUBY I think I'm just being honest.


There's no episode number attached to either, so they may or may not be actual script pages, or they may have been created more or less for the actresses to have something to read when auditioning. Either way, they reveal the characters' personalities and their relations to our boys. :\ Still not impressed.

supernatural, tv

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