a tale of two boys and an engagement ring.. err.. watch..

Jun 02, 2007 01:45

Dear Jared and Jensen,

Please come out and get married already because you're making it Too Damn Obvious anyway.


from tinkabell007 (re: Asylum con. 2007):
While we were standing in the autograph line, someone in front of us complimented Jensen about his watch [...] and Jensen told that he likes it very much, got it a while ago as a gift from Jared. [...] but he also said that Jared has the same one and just had to buy one for him as well.

BOYS! *_*

The watch is evidently this one and sells somewhere in the range between £8000 and £11000, which converts roughly to $15000 to $21000. (omg! holy shit! 0.0)

And then rejeneration porned it! :D

fic recs, asylum 2007, j2, j2 recs, links

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