jensen singing @ asylum in much better quality..

May 19, 2007 01:52

Jensen singing with Jason Manns in better quality & close-up! :D (from shannenb!)
640x480 screensize (.avi, 64.87mb, .zip file) screencap
420x320 screensize (.avi, 44.06mb, .zip file) screencap

(Or you can download the 337mb original or see a youtube version here on shannenb's LJ.)

A tiny bit more from the Coffee Talk w/ Jensen (original here)..

Jared has two dogs, I can't remember the name of the first one [Harley] but Jensen called the second one Sandy then went =0 as he realised what he'd said as Sandy is the name of Jared's girlfriend and the dog's name is actually Sadie. He really laughed at his cock-up and said, "Don't tell him I said that!"

Freudian slip? XD

He told us how attached Jared is to his pups, they are like his kids and they go to work with him and Jensen feels like they are his too as they are around so much. He rides to work with them every day.

It sounds like they're playing 'happy families'! XD

spn up, jensen, asylum 2007, jared, j2, uploads

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