kkm and spn stuff..

Oct 09, 2006 19:25

bittorrent: KKM #72 (eng. sub) by AonE & Ani-Kraze about time! :x

I asked mother-dear today what she thought of the new characters on Supernatural. She thought Ellen was okay, but hated Jo (whom we now refer to as Hunter!Barbie). XD Didn't see any point to her character, thought the actress was not believable in the role ("She looked twelve. And she was boring."), found her "plain" and "bland," and was horrified at the idea of her as a love interest for Dean ("Dean would never fall for someone like her."). XD This from a woman who actually likes Lana ("And you thought Lana was awful!"). XD

supernatural, kkm bt, bt, the fam

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