icon meme.. no surprise there.. XD

Sep 08, 2006 04:29

bittorrent: NANA #20 (eng. sub) by IY-F & Oki
bittorrent: Power Puff Girls Z #4 (eng. sub) by FM & Doremi

From trixie_chick:

Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, and what significance it has.

Made by bishsticks (for the long gone icon community, ikon_oclast). Still the best wtf icon ever, and the first icon made by someone else I ever adopted.

What's not to love about chibi/SD Duo? I adore the look on his face and use this icon a lot. (From a 1x2 GW doujinshi.) :D

That's me, made for me by the ever lovely d_copper, which I then turned into an icon. <33 :D

(From a Mirage of Blaze doujinshi, scanned and shared by sargraf.) After being forcibly kissed by another man, Takaya demanded that Naoe "kiss it and make it better." It's just so Takaya. XD

Beautiful Hikaru no Go fanart by Kino.

(Another MoB dj scanned and shared by the wonderful sargraf.) Takaya as an adorable chibi tiger, a frequent symbol because of his name Kagetora (tora meaning tiger) and because Naoe often says he has the "eyes of a tiger."

Chibi Harry and Draco, made from a fanart by hp_pens. So cute! ^^

Made from this odd banner maker thingy at publicons.de Rather than post it on my LJ, I iconized. ^^

It's chocolate and it has a cute little face on it. :D (Made by pandanuggets from one of her many stationery scans.)

Somber Kal. This is from the episode Exile, right after Lex's memorial service and having had to leave early because of self-involved Lana.

Because he's Tommy, and he's beautiful. :D:D

LJ update: I don't like these new comment notification emails, they're bulky and full of html/mime cr@p (userpics and comment boxes, etc.) and there's no 'plain text' option. :x

ppuffz bt, bt, nana bt, quiz de pon, lj

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