Oct 18, 2006 09:58
Because the stench of animal defecation has permeated our entire apartment we have started to leave our front door open to air out the place. Usually the cats play on the patio in a should I or shouldnt I leave sorta way. They'd go out and come back...well one of them got some balls and decided it was time to leave. The most hated cat in our household, Girl Cat, has decided to pursue other living options. I hope someone finds (and keeps) her so that they may enjoy the many highlights of the one we called GirlCat, like wanting to eat your lizard, manuevering her body when you're petting her so that you are touching her naughty no-no place. Hiding under your bed when you open your bedroom door. And Skyeler's all time favorite...shitting in the bathroom sink or bathtub when there's a perfectly good litter box less than 3 feet away. We missed her for about 2 minutes after she left, but now we're over it.
We're supposed to go to Knott's Scary farm today. I'm excited.