Apr 24, 2004 11:45
wow what a kicken way to start off a weekend...
school on friday: watching movie in Crookers class, work on the computers in Bio, Math quiz on monday, skipped chorus again cause its an all girl song that they were practicing again. so i chylled at lunch doing my History Notebook for Fr Luis. spent half of lunch at the flip table ad the other with Christine Maggie Sofia and Megan (or meghan or im spelling it completely wrong both ways) and yeah, ran the mile in Gym, 5:53.... AH thats 13 seconds slower than last time... i thought i was doing so well too :( o well. umm fun English class ( I have to do that project for the rest of the weekend) and ummmm In History it was an open book test and i got an A on my notebook yay. After school i bought icecream and chylled with bryan and pat and maria and i guess its pats gf i dont know.... went home with Mrs. Gunst...but i left my cell in sarah's dad's car... it slipped out of my pocket *sigh*
well after school i took a shower and headed on over to Genes house where we went on the internet for lkie a half hour and then went out to the mall, at first we were kinda bummed because we couldnt go out to fairoaks which has like more places to go to i guess but we did got o tysons (gene doesnt like it for soem reason... i dont know why) and so we went to pac sun and american eagle and aeropostale lol we only went to aeropastale because we decided to follow a tight pair of pants in... i ended up going back to pac sun to buy a belt (cause i somehow broke my other one) and a hat (it says roadie on the front... im so happy lol). so then i bought a pretzel from that auntie annes place and we went around wondering what to do... so we were going to go to Tower Records but it was raining! and i was all in a white t shirt.. so it was hott... but we didnt go to Tower, instead we went over to best buy cause i had a gift cert over there, and i bought Alexisonfire (a hottt CD right there) and Copeland (apparently they sound like the Early November) and Gene bought BoysNightOut and we're going to burn those CDs for one another. So from there we headed on over to McDonalds where the lady shut us in to our own little section with Trashcans it was like a road block... gene and i segregated from the black family on the other side of the trashcans lol. so we wanted to see a movie but that got rained on because we went at seven and all movies started at 6 or 9
and that made me sad....so we just had Genes grandpa pick us up from there and we went home... ok so its all well and good and then Martin calls and we go over to Tower at sround 9 30 and i found out i had 65 dollars to that store in gift certs... im so kool lol. well we went browsing again, and i got 2 compilations, From Autumn to Ashes "the fiction we live" and Brand New "Deja Entendu" i realize all my friends have that CD and they couldve burned it for me.... but i dunno what else i would have been able to spend it on... i also bought martin the Maxeen CD and hes gonna burn that for me... so its all gravy... i definitely still have 25$ for tower lol
so one compilation is pretty hard im gonna have to skip over some songs cause its like deathmetal on certain songs... but certain songs are pretty good. and the other is an emo compilation which is good. Copeland is sooo chyll music... i like it. and FATA is pretty hard.
So i slept over at Genes house and we listened to most of the CDs and watched some TV, Family Guy, I was addicted to AIM for the night... on his sn though, so i was talking to New Jersey Sarah till like 3 in the morning and then we slept till 10 45 and i came home at 11.... so now im here, took a shower, gonna wash mi madres car, and do some english and listen to these CDs... i have a lot to listen too lol